Coronavirus symptoms increasing day by day and CDC guideline

Corona virus symptoms : Day by day, the scientist are learning more about the different new symptoms of this deadly virus infection with the hopes of eventually being able to treat it. Symptoms: It has been more than a year since the deadly coronavirus Covid - 19 wreaked havoc in our country. Now the second wave of the virus is currently spreading not even our country but also entire the world. 1. Even though Covid - 19 presents different, unpredictable symptoms for every person, the ones who have typical symptoms record suffering from a viral or flue like illness in the first few days. 2. The initial days of infection can be quite confusing, many people experience very mild symptoms or are even a symptomatic. 3. According to expert, days 6 to 10 of your isolation period can also shed light on the like hood of the complication you may suffer post Covid - 19. Here how symptoms progress among typical patient's: Day 1: Patient run a fever. They may also experi...