How long does coronavirus last and how to protect yourself from Covid 19?

The Corona virus that causes COVID - 19 mainly spreads from person to person. Transmission from person to person can happen through larger droplet from sneezes and cough but there is also growing evidence that smaller particles called aerosols can hang in the air longer and farther. Here you can find how long does coronavirus last? 1. Covid - 19 recovery depends on the severity of the illness. If you have mild case, you can expect to recovery within about two weeks but more severe cases, it could take six weeks or more to feel better and hospitalization might be require. 2. The family of viruses includes the one that causes Covid -19 can live on same of the surface you probably touch every day. 3. Keep in mind that researcher still have a many to learn about new corona virus. But you are probably more likely to catch it from being around someone who has it than touching a contaminated surface. A. (Metal) - Its contains jewelry, silverware and doorknobs almost five (5) days. B. (Woo...