Nice quotation to avoid polythene bags on Himalayan

We all know that plastic is very harmful not even human life but also all the species. So try to avoid to use the polythene bag by nice quotation I did preparing for you. So here are the collection of nice quotation to avoid polythene bag. "Plastic give a helpful hand, but they are polluting our land". Polluted Land Plastic pollution causes harm to human, animal and plants through toxic pollutants. It can take hundreds or even thousands of years for plastic to break down so the environment damage is long lasting. It affects all organism in the food chain from tiny species. "Don't be a litter bag. Help keep your community clean". Chlorinated plastic can release harmful chemical into the surrounding soil, which can the seep into groundwater or other surrounding water sources and also the ecosystem of the world. "Say no to plastic drawing , stop plastic pollution drawing, stop using plastic bag pencil drawing say no to plastic". "Save our best helpf...